摘 要:基于角色的访问控制是目前比较流行的一种权限管理方案,其简化了用户与权限的关系,易扩展、易维护,能够很好地解决复杂ERP 系统的权限管理问题。使用ThinkPHP 5.0 开发框架,在RBAC 基础上成功设计并实现的地震数据共享平台系统权限管理模块有效降低了系统权限管理的复杂性,很好地解决了本系统面向多用户,重要数据的保密等众多高级别要求。
关键词:RBAC;ERP;ThinkPHP 5.0;权限管理;地震数据共享平台系统
中图分类号:TP311.52;P631.4+35 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0013-03
Design and Implementation of RBAC Based Authority Management in Seismic Data Sharing Platform System
ZHANG Xin,YANG Zhenzhong,LIU Shuai,HUANG Meng
(Institute of Disaster Prevention,Sanhe 065201,China)
Abstract:Role-based Access Control is a popular scheme of rights management. RBAC simplifies the relationship between users and rights,is easy to expand and maintain,and can solve the rights management problems of complex ERP system. Using ThinkPHP 5.0 development framework,the system authority management module of seismic data sharing platform,which is successfully designed and implemented on the basis of RBAC,effectively reduces the complexity of system authority management,and solves many high-level requirements of the system,such as multi-user oriented,confidentiality of important data,etc.
Keywords:RBAC;ERP;ThinkPHP 5.0;authority management;seismic data sharing platform system
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