摘 要:文章以我国健康管理现状的分析为基础,创新性地提出具有个性化特色的健康管理创新服务模式,并利用 SOA 软件架构技术理念,对健康管理个性化服务平台进行设计,开发了个性化健康管理电子档案管理服务引擎、风险评估引擎等相关系统,同时设计了系统实现的关键技术路径及技术指标。此系统平台继承了过往研究的优点和经验,保证了各独立服务单元的独立性,又能根据每个客户终端的服务请求和特点提供可共享的复杂式组合服务。该系统的开发对提高我国健康管理服务水平、提高大众健康管理理念具有积极的现实意义。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0010-04
Research on Personalized Health Management Service Platform System Based on SOA
LIU Ruijie
(Software College of Qufu Normal University,Qufu 273165,China)
Abstract:Based on the analysis of China’s health management status,this research proposes innovative health management service models with individual characteristics,and uses the SOA software architecture technology concept to design a personalized service management platform for health management and develop individuality relevant systems such as the health management electronic file management service engine,risk assessment engine,and the key technical paths and technical indicators for system implementation are also designed. This system platform inherits the advantages and experience of previous research,guarantees the independence of each independent service unit, and can provide shareable complex combined services according to the service requests andcharacteristics of each client terminal. The development of this system has positive practical significance for improving China’s health management service level and improving the public health management concept.
Keywords:health management services;key technologies;service engine;SOA;personalization
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