摘 要:自第一台计算机诞生至今,计算机科学技术发展经历了数十载,期间取得了颇多成果,但目前还无法定义这门科学的边界。如今,大数据、云计算、人工智能、“互联网 +”等新问题、新领域、新应用层出不穷,其中许多问题求解都离不开问题的建模和算法的设计与分析。文章就分治策略、动态规划、贪心法三大经典问题展开算法设计与分析,通过对经典问题的引入、求解、验证、结论这一完整过程,解析算法设计思维在人脑与电脑中的思维模式以及设计模式,对其差异性和同一性进行研究。
中图分类号:TP312;TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0013-04
The Study of Algorithm Design Thinking in Human Brain and Computer
LIU Jiaming
(School of Software & Internet of Things Engineering,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstract:Since the birth of the first computer in 1949,the development of computer science and technology has gone through several decades,during which a lot of achievements have been made,but still no scientist can define the boundaries of this science. Nowadays,big data,cloud computing,artificial intelligence,“internet plus” and other new problems,new fields and new applications keep emerging. In the process of tracing back to the source,many problems cannot be solved without problem modeling and algorithm design and analysis. In this paper,algorithm design and analysis are carried out for three classic problems:divide and conquer strategy,dynamic programming and greedy method. Through the whole process of introducing,solving,verifying and concluding classic problems,the thinking mode and design mode of algorithm design thinking in human brain and computer are analyzed,and the differences and identity are studied.
Keywords:algorithm design;algorithmic thinking;problem model;human brain;computer
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