摘 要:在数据科技时代,针对集中式挖掘平台下传统 LSTM 网络模型在处理移动轨迹大数据时存在的计算与存储问题,提出一种 Spark 框架下基于 LSTM 优化模型的实时交通流量预测方法,旨在于提高交通流量预测的精确性。实践结果表明,基于真实的出租车 GPS 轨迹大数据,Spark 框架下的 LSTM 优化模型可以实时准确地预测交通流量。
关键词:实时交通流量预测;Spark;LSTM;GPS 轨迹大数据;参数调整
中图分类号:TP202+.2;U491.1+23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0001-08
Real-time Traffic Flow Prediction Method Based on Spark Framework
ZHANG Maoting,YANG Nan,JIANG Shunying,ZHENG Yongling,BAI Yu
(School of Data Science and Information Engineering,Guizhou Minzu University,Guiyang 550025,China)
Abstract:In the era of data science and technology,the traditional LSTM network model in the centralized mining platform has the problems of computing and storage when dealing with the big data of mobile trajectory,this paper proposes a real-time traffic flow prediction method based on the LSTM optimization model under the Spark framework,which aims to the improvements of accuracy of traffic flow prediction. The experiment results of a case study demonstrate that with real-world taxi GPS trajectory big data,the proposed LSTM optimization model based on the Spark framework can accurately predict traffic flow in real time.
Keywords:real-term traffic flow prediction;Spark;LSTM;GPS track big data;parameter adjustment
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