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​杭州市人才需求分析与预测 ——基于 GM(1,1)和 ARIMA 模型
(山东科技大学 测绘科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266590)

摘  要:基于杭州市现有人才需求数据与各领域岗位设置数据,构建多维数据模型分析人才市场招聘求职的基本特征,从就业需求、期望职业和期望教育背景三方面分析 2015 ~ 2018 年杭州市人才需求的基本现状。结合中国学生实际就业状况,运用GM(1,1)模型预测未来三年的人才需求总量,预测结果表明人才需求总量呈缓慢下降趋势。运用 ARIMA 模型预测未来三年不同领域人才需求量,发现各领域需求量按季度呈明显周期性,且不同行业所需人数及波动频率均不相同。

关键词:人才需求;多维数据模型;灰色预测模型;ARIMA 模型

中图分类号:TP391.7;C961.9         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0009-06

Analysis and Forecast of Talent Demand in Hangzhou

——Based on GM(1,1) and ARIMA Model

REN Jing,JI Min,CHEN Zhaoning

(College of Geomatics,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China)

Abstract:Based on the existing talent demand data of Hangzhou and the data of positions in various fields,a multidimensional data model was constructed to analyze the basic characteristics of the recruitment and job-hunting in the talent market,and the basic status of talent demand in hangzhou from 2015 to 2018 was analyzed from three aspects: employment demand,expected occupation and expected educational background. Combined with the actual employment situation of Chinese students,the GM (1,1) model is used to predict the total demand for talents in the next three years. The ARIMA model is used to predict the demand for talents in different fields in the next three years. It is found that the demand for talents in each field is obviously periodic on a quarterly basis,and the demand for talents in different industries and the frequency of fluctuations are not the same.

Keywords:talent demand;multidimensional data model;grey prediction model;ARIMA model



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