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(四川大学华西第二医院 信息管理部,四川 成都 610000)

摘  要:目的:通过实行电子化的入院全流程服务,达到医院床位的合理利用和患者高效有序办理入院的目的。方法:利用微信公众平台,实现入院预约登记、确认入院和入院宣教等功能;通过优化门诊、入院处和住院病区系统流程,由病区提前上报预收患者人数,入院中心按照上报人数和患者预约登记列表,分配符合条件的患者入院。结果:结合微信公众平台开发实现的入院中心系统,提高了服务质量,改善了患者就医体验。结论:信息化的入院中心全流程服务,充分体现了“以患者为中心”的理念,提高了床位周转率和医院运营效率。


中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0016-03

Design and Implementation of the Hospitalization Center System Based on WeChat Public Platform
GUO Panpan,WU Banghua,HUANG Haiying
(Information Management Department of West China Second Hospital Sichuan University,Chengdu 610000,China)

Abstract:The objective is through the implementation of electronic full hospital services,to achieve the rational use of bed resources and the efficient and orderly admission to hospital for patients. The method is using WeChat public platform to achieve the admission registration,confirm admission and admission education function. Through the optimization of the outpatient,admission and ward system process,the number of patients received was reported by the ward in advance. Then in accordance with the number of reports by ward and the list of patients’registration the admission center assigned the eligible patients to hospital. The results is the hospitalization center system based on WeChat public platform improves the service quality and the patient’s experience in medical treatment. Then the informationalized hospitalization center’s service fully embodies the concept of“patient centered”,which improves the turnover rate of beds and the operation efficiency of hospital.

Keywords:hospitalization center;WeChat public platform;bed turnover rate


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