摘 要:在采用鱼骨图的方法构建面向因果分析的武器装备体系效能评估指标体系的基础上,建立定性判断和定量计算相结合且支持因果分析的评估模型,最后,给出了武器装备体系效能评估算例、结果分析以及应用举例。该方法能够为武器装备体系效能评估结果进行因果分析提供依据,能够应用到不同装备编配方案的武器装备体系效能评估和择优,以及武器装备体系效能与关键评估指标的因果关系分析。
中图分类号:E92;TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0012-05
Effectiveness Evaluation of Weapon Equipment System for Causal Analysis
LI Shili
(Jiangsu Automation Research Institute,Lianyungang 222061,China)
Abstract:Firstly,the index system for evaluation of weapon system of systems which can be used for causal analysis is built by the fishbone diagram,then,the evaluation model combining qualitative judgment with quantitative calculation and supporting causal analysis is established,finally,the effectiveness evaluation example,result analysis and application examples are given. This method can be used for causal analysis of the effectiveness evaluation results of weapon system of systems,and can be applied to the evaluation and selection of weapon system of systems effectiveness of different equipment allocation schemes and causal analysis of weapon system of systems effectiveness and key evaluation indexes.
Keywords:causal analysis;weapon equipment system;effectiveness evaluation;fishbone diagram
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