摘 要:机票售后系统中费用的计算与航空公司销售策略紧密结合,业务相对稳定,规则调整频繁,规则数量逐年增大,管理和维护比较困难。结合系统原始规则运算机制,参考主流的 Drools 规则引擎特点,重新设计了适合业务要求的机票售后管理引擎。系统通过规则元数据的配置,树形结构的规则存储,结合规则执行流程,利用 JVM 对 Groovy 代码的支持得以实现。该系统实现了方便、高效、灵活的机票售后业务更新,降低了售后规则管理难度,提高了工作效能。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0008-04
Design of Air Tickets After-sales System Based on Rule Engine
(Shanghai Qianshan Network Technology Development Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201203,China)
Abstract:The calculation of the cost in the civil aviation after-sales system is closely combined with sales strategy of the airline companies. The business is relatively stable,the rules are adjusted frequently,the number of rules is increased year by year,so that the management and maintenance of the rules are difficult. This paper redesigns the management engine suitable for the business requirements of the airline companies,combining the original rule mechanism of the system,refering to characteristics of the popular rule engine Drools. The redesigned air ticket after-sales management engine is suitable for the business requirements. Through the configuration of rule metadata,the rule storage of tree structure,and the rule execution process,the system uses the JVM to support Groovy code. The system realizes convenient,efficient and flexible after-sales business update of air tickets,reduces the difficulty of after-sales rule management,and improves work efficiency.
Keywords:after-sales management of air ticket;rule engine;information system
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