摘 要:随着旅游业的快速增长及发展,GIS 作为一种新技术在现代旅游业中有广泛的应用,无论是旅游管理以及规划等方面,还是旅游现象空间描述与分析等内容,都有着地理信息系统的身影。文章主要采用文献分析方法,对 GIS 在旅游业中应用的相关研究成果进行系统梳理与归纳,进而分析、发掘 GIS 在旅游业中的应用研究特点及趋势,最后对未来 GIS 在旅游行业中的应用、进一步开发以及发展做出展望。
中图分类号:P208 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0019-04
Research Progress and Enlightenment of GIS Application in Tourism Industry
WEN Ting
(Management College of Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China)
Abstract:With the rapid growth and development of tourism,geographic information system (GIS),as a new technology,has a wide range of applications in modern tourism. Whether in tourism management and planning,or in spatial description and analysis of tourism phenomenon,there always is the figure of geographic information system. This paper mainly adopts the method of literature analysis,to comb and induct systematically related research results on the application of GIS in tourism,and then find characteristics and trend of GIS application in tourism research. Finally,make prospects about the future GIS application in the tourism industry and its further development.
Keywords:GIS;tourism industry;visual analysis
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