摘 要:为了从大量数据中快速,高效地提取出有用的数据以方便数据分析。利用 Python 语言中的 Selenium 库是目前广泛应用于爬虫设计的一种方法,以其代码精简,拾取方便且效率较高等特点,应用于绝大部分企业的数据挖掘平台中。通过应用Python 和 Selenium 的方法实现了数据的提取,并通过使用异常捕抓、函数封装,统一调用实现了数据的导出和上传的自动化,结果表明使用 Selenium 爬虫会优于网页爬虫。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0026-04
Research on Application of Power System Data Crawler Based on Selenium Framework
YU Kai,TANG Yuan,LI Haizhen,XIA Weixuan
(Power Supply Service Center of Dongguan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Company,Dongguan 523000,China)
Abstract:In order to extract useful data from a large number of data quickly and efficiently to facilitate data analysis. Using the Selenium library in Python language is a method widely used in crawler design at present. It is used in the data mining platform of most enterprises because of its simple code,convenient picking and high efficiency. The method of Python and Selenium is used to extract the data,and the automation of data export and upload is realized by using exception capture,function encapsulation and unified call. The results show that Selenium crawler is better than web crawler.
Keywords:Selenium;abnormal jump catch;web crawler;electric system
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