摘 要:由新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控形势积极向好的态势正在拓展之时,学校在做好各项疫情防控工作的同时,应积极做好人员返岗复工的准备工作。为加强疫情监控,规避接触风险,文章完成了基于 QR 二维码的校园门禁审批验证系统的设计与实现,提供了更简单便捷的入校登记、审批验证的方式,为学校疫情防控筑牢第一道防线。
关键词:QR 二维码;门禁;审批验证;系统设计
中图分类号:TP23;TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0029-03
The Design of Campus Entrance Examination and Approval System Based on QR Code
ZHANG Guoli,ZHANG Jianping
(Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,China)
Abstract:The positive situation of the prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic of 2019-nCoV infection is expanding. While doing a good job of epidemic prevention and control,the school actively prepares for the staff to return to work. In order to strengthen the epidemic monitoring and avoid the risks brought by the contact,this paper has completed the design and implementation of the verification system of campus access control approval based on QR code,which provides a more simple and convenient way of registration,examination and approval verification for entering the campus,and builds the first line of defense for epidemic prevention and control.
Keywords:QR code;access control;approval verification;system design
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