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(华北水利水电大学,河南 郑州 450046)

摘  要:乐音是构成音乐的核心元素。乐音识别是音乐识别的核心工作。首先对“声音”“音频”“音乐”“乐音”等若干概念进行了定义,然后从狭义和广义两个方面分析了乐音识别的主要任务和基本流程,无论是狭义还是广义的乐音识别,单音基本特征的提取和识别,都是基础内容。重点展望了乐音识别技术的发展趋势,其三种基本脉络分别为提高非复调单音基本特征的识别效率、优化非复调多音符特征的提、拓展复调的识别和提取。最后在音乐喷泉控制器中实现了乐音特征的自动提取。研究结果可为乐音识别技术研究与系统应用提供参考。


中图分类号:TN912.34         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0001-03

The Development and Application of Music Feature Recognition Technology

SUN Mengqing

(North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450046,China)

Abstract:Musical sound is the core element of music. Music recognition is the core of music recognition. Firstly,some concepts such as “sound”,“audio”,“music” and “musical sound” are defined,then the main tasks and basic processes of musical sound recognition are analyzed from the narrow sense and the broad sense. No matter the narrow sense or the broad sense of musical sound recognition,the extraction and recognition of the basic features of single sound are the basic contents. This paper focuses on the development trend of music recognition technology,and its three basic venation are to improve the recognition efficiency of the basic features of non polyphonic single tone,optimize the extraction of non polyphonic multi note features,and expand the recognition and extraction of polyphony. Finally,the automatic extraction of music features is realized in the music fountain controller. The research results can provide a reference for the research and system application of music recognition technology.

Keywords:music recognition;feature extraction;machine hearing;note segmentation

基金项目:2018 河南省科技研发专项(科技攻关)(JH02:182102210064)


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