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(玉溪师范学院 物理与电子工程学院,云南 玉溪 653100)

摘  要:由于各大高校的扩招以及学生自主学习能力的提升,使得图书馆自习室座位求大于供,致使各高校图书馆占座现象严重,进而导致座位利用率不高。而高校对于图书馆占座严重的现象,依然还在使用人工清空占座物品的传统方法,费时费力还不能解决根本问题。推出一种图书馆座位管理系统,基于微信小程序来完成查看空闲座位、提前预约、取消预约等功能,很好地解决了以上存在的问题。


中图分类号:TP311.5;G250.7         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0004-03

Library Seat Reservation System Based on WeChat Applet

LI Haonan,LIU Yali

(School of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Yuxi Normal University,Yuxi 653100,China)

Abstract:Due to the expansion of enrollment and the improvement of students’autonomous learning ability,the demand for seats in the self-study room of the library is greater than the supply,which leads to the serious phenomenon of occupation of seats in the library of each university,and then leads to the low utilization rate of seats. However,the traditional method of clearing the occupied items manually is still used in colleges and universities,which is time-consuming and hard to solve the fundamental problem. This paper introduces a kind of Library seat management system,which is based on the WeChat applet to complete the functions of checking the free seats,booking in advance,canceling the reservation,and so on,which solves the above problems.

Keywords:WeChat applet;seat reservation system;library


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