摘 要:信息时代如何在海量信息中找到所需信息非常重要,而如何寻找自己研究方向中具有参考意义的重要文献,以及筛选出含金量高的论文,是一名优秀的科研工作者所必需的一项技能。文章通过论述搜寻主题为“Trajectory Data”的论文时积累的经验,列举了检索和筛选中文文献与英文文献的方法,最后总结全文,并对如何进行特定主题的文献检索的方法进行初步探讨。
中图分类号: TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0007-03
Research on the Method of Retrieving Important Documents with Specific Topics from Massive Documents
FENG Yulong
(School of Computer Science & Technology,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China)
Abstract:In the information age,it is very important to find the information needed in the massive information. How to find the important literature with reference significance in their own research direction,and how to select the paper with high gold content,is a necessary skill for an excellent scientific research worker. By discussing the accumulated experience in searching for papers with the theme of “Trajectory Data”,this paper enumerates the methods of searching and selecting Chinese and English literature,and finally summarizes the full text,and makes a preliminary discussion on how to search for literature with a specific theme.
Keywords:literature search;search method;screening literature
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