摘 要:高分卫星已取代传统卫星成为我国对地观测系统中的有效途径,高分卫星具有全色、多光谱和红外光谱成像能力,同时具有较高的空间分辨率和高时间分辨率的光学遥感或雷达遥感。文章概述了高分卫星在复工复产监测中的应用研究,利用高分卫星采集的夜间亮灯影像数据,分析出京津冀地区的复工情况,对地方统筹推进经济恢复发挥了积极作用。同时对高分卫星在 复产监测方面的应用进行了展望。
中图分类号:P237 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0019-03
Research on the Application of High Resolution Satellite in the Monitoring of Production Resumption
(Xiamen Kingtop Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen 361008,China)
Abstract:High resolution satellite has become an effective way to replace the traditional satellite in the earth observation system ofour country. High resolution satellite has the ability of panchromatic,multispectral and infrared spectral imaging,high spatial resolutionand high time resolution optical remote sensing or radar remote sensing. This paper summarizes the application and research of highresolution satellite in the resumption of production monitoring,analyzes the resumption of production in Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei byusing the image data collected by high resolution satellite at night,and looks forward to the application of high resolution satellite in theresumption of production monitoring.
Keywords:high resolution satellite;spectral analysis;resume production;research analysis
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