摘 要:文章以天津商业大学理学院数学系学生为研究对象,提出了一种主要依据学生社交网络平台数据的社会适应力预测模型:基于因子分析- 灰色关联法的随机森林模型,分类准确率达到78.43%。结果显示学生的学习行为以及线上发布与评论行为具有较强的类型识别度,为高校开展就业创业教育工作、实现高等教育“依数治理”提供参考依据。
中图分类号:TP183;G449.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0021-04
Research on Social Adaptability of College Students Driven by Data
GENG Qiaozhi,XU Fei,GAN Yating, AN Xinran,ZHANG Xuxing
(Tianjin University of Commerce,Tianjin 300134,China)
Abstract:This paper takes the students of Mathematics Department of School of Science of Tianjin University of Commerceas the research object,and proposes a social adaptability prediction model mainly based on the data of students’social network platform:a random forest model based on factor analysis-gray correlation method,and the classification accuracy rate reaches 78.43%.The results show that students’learning behaviors and online posting and commenting behaviors have a strong type recognition,which provides a reference for colleges to carry out employment and entrepreneurship education and achieve “number-based governance” of higher education.
Keywords:college students;social adaptability;factor analysis;grey relational analysis;random forest
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