摘 要:针对轨道交通设备高效管理,文章提出以高性价比为核心思想,立足于解决小微型企业、部门或私人承包项目购买系统困难的问题,开发一套轨道交通设备管理系统。该系统基于B/S 结构,采用WAMP 技术,经分析、调研凝练出系统的功能需求,设计了数据库和软件流程逻辑,结合系统逻辑架构与上述分析,设计并实现了系统的功能,完成了系统的开发。最后通过测试,验证了系统功能的有效性和完整性。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)07-0001-04
Design and Implementation of Rail Transit Equipment Management System
SONG Yunlong1,2,ZHANG Ningning1,MAO Yun1,YUAN Yong1,2,3,LIU Wen1,2,3
(1.Department of Rail Transit,Xinjiang Institute of Engineering,Urumqi 830023,China;2.Joint Laboratory of Digital Mine and Data Engineering,Xinjiang Institute of Engineering,Urumqi 830023,China;3.Xinjiang Changsen Data Technology Co.,Ltd,Urumqi 830011,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the efficient management of rail transit equipment,this paper proposes the core idea of high costperformance,and develops a set of rail transit equipment management system based on solving the difficulty of purchasing systemsfor small and micro enterprises,departments or private contracted projects. The system is based on the B/S structure,uses WAMPtechnology,and analyzes and investigates the functional requirements of the system. We designed the database and software process logic.The system logic architecture and the above analysis are combined to design and implement the system functions and complete the system.Finally,the validity and completeness of the system functions were verified through tests.
Keywords:urban rail transit;equipment management system;B/S;Apache+MySQL+PHP
基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研计划重点项目(XJEDU2016I049);新疆工程学院博士启动基金(2018XGY003);产教融合项目(2019 QX0035)
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毛昀(1983.11—),女,汉族,新疆伊犁人,本 科,研究方向:测控技术与仪器;