摘 要:在指纹定位加权K 近邻算法中,传统欧氏距离度量原理简单,但会忽略掉样本单元不同特性之间存在的差别,导致定位误差较大。为了克服欧氏距离存在的不足,分别采用马氏距离、卡方距离将其替换,并结合加权K 近邻算法进行定位精度对比。试验结果表明,取相同K 值的情况下,基于马氏距离度量对指纹定位精度的提升较低,基于卡方距离度量的指纹定位精度明显优于另外两种方法。
关键词:K 最近邻;欧氏距离;马氏距离;卡方距离
中图分类号:TP391.4;P228.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0020-04
Comparison of Fingerprint Location Algorithm Based on Different Measurements
HAN Yuchen,ZHONG Chen ,XU Jinxiu,LIU Qinghua
(School of Space Information and Surveying Engineering,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan 232001,China)
Abstract:In the fingerprint location weighted K-nearest neighbor algorithm,the traditional Euclidean distance measurement principle is simple,but it will ignore the difference between different characteristics of the sample unit,making the location error larger. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the Euclidean distance,Mahalanobis distance and Chi-square distance are used to replace them,and the weighted K-nearest neighbor algorithm is combined to compare the positioning accuracy. The test results show that,under the condition of taking the same K value,the accuracy of fingerprint location based on Mahalanobis distance measurement is less improved, and the accuracy of fingerprint location based on Chi-square distance measurement is obviously better than the other two distances.
Keywords:K-nearest neighbor;Euclidean distance;Mahalanobis distance;Chi-square distance
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