摘 要:使用快速傅里叶变换来计算深海海浪的网格与法线信息,添加风力的影响构建深海海面的波形并计算法线信息;然后对Gerstner 波形进行挤压,构建靠近岸边的海水波形,计算水体的法线。添加光照模型,丰富海面的纹理。借用Unity 的着色器进行渲染,实时的展现出海面的波浪效果。在增加海面的采样点的情况下,依然可以保持较好的时效性。提升了海平面的 细节,增强了视觉效果。
中图分类号:TP391.9;P731.22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0024-04
Sea Surface Simulation Rendering Method Based on FFT
ZHANG Junpeng
(Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China)
Abstract:FFT(fast Fourier transform)is used to calculate the grid and normal line information of deep sea waves,and the influence of wind is added to construct the waveform of deep sea surface and calculate the normal line information;then Gerstner waveform is extruded to construct the seawater waveform near the shore and calculate the normal of water body. Add a lighting model to enrich the texture of the sea. Using Unity’s shaders to render,real-time show the wave effect of the sea. In the case of increasing the sea surface sampling points,it can still maintain good timeliness. Promote the details of the sea level,enhance the visual effect.
Keywords:fast Fourier transform;sea surface;normal line;rendering
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