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基于PHP 课堂签到系统设计与实现
(汕尾职业技术学院,广东 汕尾 516600)

摘  要:在现代课堂教学中,学生的考勤是一个烦琐和重要的教学环节,采用传统的点名方式需要占用宝贵课堂时间,利用PHP5 课堂签到系统,使用开源的平台搭建系统运行环境,很好地完成点名签到功能,无须大量的资金、第三方资源和手机等等辅助工具,方便了任课教师的考勤工作,实现了学生签到数据的信息化管理,为课堂教学提供了很好的帮助。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0013-05

Design and Implementation of Class Attendance System Based on PHP

CHEN Weikang,LI Guangyong

(Shanwei Institute of Technology,Shanwei 516600,China)

Abstract:In the modern classroom teaching,the student’s attendance is a tedious and important teaching link,uses the traditional roll call way to need to occupy the precious class time,using PHP5 classroom check-in system,the open source platform is used to build the system running environment,and the roll call check-in function is well completed,and does not need a lot of funds and third-party resources and mobile phones and other auxiliary tools,which is convenient for teachers to check their attendance,the information management of student check-in data is realized,which provides a good help for classroom teaching.

Keywords:QR code;sign in;lucky number;database


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