摘 要:分布式架构在互联网企业中已得到广泛应用,各平台间的数据如何同步是应用中需解决的关键问题,结合“面向对象编程(高级)”课程内容,对通用数据同步软件进行了分析与设计。该设计主要包含待同步记录扫描、数据通知、数据接收、状态查询以及相应的数据库操作、参数配置、日志记录等功能,可实现数据的安全高效同步,以便汇总统计分析,支撑业务发展,具有较高实用价值。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0018-04
Analysis and Design of Data Synchronization Software on Distributed Platform
XIE Jian
(Hunan College of Information,Changsha 410200,China)
Abstract:Distributed architecture has been widely used in internet enterprises. How to synchronize data among various platforms is the key issue that needs to be solved in application. Combined with the course content of the “Object-Oriented Programming(AdvancedLevel)”,general data synchronization software is analyzed and designed. The design mainly includes the following functions,such as scanning of records to be synchronized,data notification,data receiving,status inquiry,and corresponding database operations,parameter configuration,log records,etc.,which can achieve safe and efficient synchronization of data,so as to make summarization and statistical analysis,support business development,it has higher practical value.
Keywords:distributed platform;data synchronization;safe and efficient
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