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(1. 北京外国语大学 北京日本学研究中心,北京 100089;2. 南通大学 信息科学技术学院,江苏 南通 226019)

摘  要:在“一带一路”的战略背景下,政府层面加强了沟通合作,各国民众旅游、教育和文化交流日益频繁。然而,“一带一路”沿线国家多为非英语母语国家,其语言多为“小语种”,交流不便,且由于沿线国家较多,使得交流分散,缺少统一的互动交流平台。鉴于此,构建面向各国高校学生及普通民众的多语种跨文化UGC 互动网络社区平台既具有时代意义,又符合现实需求。


中图分类号:TP311.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0021-04

Exploration of the Construction of a Network Interactive Platform for Countries Along “One Belt One Road”

ZHENG Xinchao¹,WANG Qingyong2

(1.Beijing Center for Japanese Studies,Beijing Foreign Studies University,Beijing 100089,China;2.School of Information Science and Technology,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China)

Abstract:Under the strategic background of “One Belt One Road”,the government has strengthened communication and cooperation,and the tourism,education and cultural exchanges among people of all countries have frequently day by day. However,“One Belt One Road”,many countries are non-English speaking countries. Their language is mostly “minority language”,which is inconvenient for communication. Due to the fact that many countries along the route are more dispersed,there is a lack of unified interaction and communication platform. Based on this,the construction of multi-lingual and cross-cultural UGC interactive network community platform for college students and ordinary people in various countries has not only the significance of the times,but also the practical needs.

Keywords:One Belt One Road;multilingual;cross culture;UGC;virtual community;interactive platform



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郑新超(1982—),女,汉族,山东德州人,讲师, 博士,研究方向:海外汉学、中国文化域外传播;
