摘 要:微信小程序凭借其免安装、功能多元化、成本低等优势迅速积累大量用户。为进一步探索微信小程序未来发展趋势,结合攀枝花市生态环境局相关业务需求进行调研和分析,基于微信小程序B/S 结构设计了一款微信答题小程序。用户无须安装该程序即可在线答题,学习环保相关知识,较好地满足了攀枝花市生态环境局网络宣传环保知识的业务需求。
关键词:微信小程序;B/S 结构;小程序设计
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0028-03
Design and Development of Answering Software Based on WeChat Applet
LIU Haoran,LIU Bin
(Panzhihua University,Panzhihua 617000,China)
Abstract:WeChat applets rapidly accumulate a large number of users by virtue of its advantages of no installation,diversified functions and low cost. In order to further explore the future development trend of WeChat applets,a WeChat answering applet is designed with the B/S structure of WeChat applets by combining research and analysis with the business needs of Panzhihua Ecological Environment Bureau. Users do not need to install the program to answer questions online and learn environmental protection related knowledge,which better meets the business needs of Panzhihua Ecological Environment Bureau to publicize environmental protection knowledge online.
Keywords:WeChat applet;B/S structure;applet design
基金项目:教育部高等教育司产学合作协同育人项目(201847);2020 年四川省校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(2020cxcy118)
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