摘 要:为保证校园安全,提高车辆出入管理效率,外来访客在高校访问登记界面填写个人信息,车辆到达时,高校车牌登记识别系统通过摄像头捕获车牌信息,系统自动识别放行。该系统包含车牌在线登记子系统和车牌识别子系统两个部分。车牌在线登记子系统前端页面使用JSP 技术,通过DIV+CSS 对页面进行布局。后端基于Java 语言、SSM 框架开发,使用Maven 进行项目管理。车牌识别子系统基于Python 语言,使用OpenCV 进行图像处理,提取车牌字符,结合TensorFlow 对所获得的车牌字符进行分类识别。
关键词:高校;车牌登记;车牌识别;Java 语言;Python 语言
中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0001-05
Design and Implementation on University License Plate Registration andIdentification Management System
XU Li,SUN Longfei
(Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University,Xinyang 464000,China)
Abstract:In order to ensure the safety of the campus and improve the management efficiency of vehicle access,outside visitors need to fill in their personal information in university visit registration interface. When vehicle arrive,the university license plate registration and identification system captures the license plate information through the camera,the system automatic identification and release. The system includes two parts of the license plate online registration subsystem and the license plate identification subsystem.License plate online registration subsystem uses JSP technology in its frontend page and make page layout through DIV+CSS,the backend is developed based on Java language,SSM frame,and uses Maven for items management. License plate identification subsystem is based on Python language,uses OpenCV for images processing,extracts license plate characters,and combines TensorFlow to classify and recognize the acquired license plate characters.
Keywords:university;license plate registration;license plate identification;Java language;Python langua
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