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(湖南信息职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410200)

摘  要:话费、流量等数字商品已成为日常生活中不可或缺的部分,在线购买交易量级不断攀升,对交易系统业务逻辑的高效性、安全性也提出了更高要求,结合“面向对象程序开发实战”教学目标,对系统业务逻辑框架进行了分析与设计,制定开发内容。业务框架主要包括接收上游订单及查询业务、渠道分配业务、渠道发货业务、接收渠道结果通知业务、向渠道查询结果业务、向上游通知结果业务等,业务逻辑完整,确保安全高效。



中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)03-0017-05

Analysis and Design of Business Logic Framework of Online Digital Commodity Trading Platform

XIE Jian

(Hunan College of Information,Changsha 410200,China)

Abstract:Digital goods such as telephone bills and traffic have become an indispensable parts in daily life. The level of online purchase trading volume has risen continuously,and higher requirements have been put forward on the efficiency and security of the business logic of the transaction systems,combined with the “object-oriented program development practice” teaching goal,analyze and design the system business logic framework,and formulate the development content. The business framework mainly includes receiving upstream orders and query business,channel distribution business,channel delivery business,receiving channel result notification business,querying result from channel business,notifying result to upstream business,etc. The business logic is complete to ensure safety and efficiency.

Keywords:digital good;trading platform;business framework


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作者简介:谢剑(1987.06—),男,汉族,湖南长沙人,专 任教师,初级职称,硕士学位,研究方向:计算机应用,图像处理。