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(西华大学 土木建筑与环境学院,四川 成都 610039)

摘  要:以区域科技创新平台为研究视角,结合生态组织理论和创新理论,梳理区域科技创新平台生态系统的基本概念和内涵。由此提出了平台生态系统的发展运行机制和主要构成,并建立区域科技创新平台生态系统发展运行机制模型,借助样本数据分析发展运行机制的作用机理。得出结论,我们需要重视创新平台内部的创新服务与融合,促进平台协同共生与平衡发展。



基金项目:成都市科技项目(2019-RK00- 00092-ZF)

中图分类号:TP391.7                                    文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)03-0021-04

Research on the Development and Operation Mechanism of Regional Science and Technology Innovation Platform Ecosystem

XIANG Yong,ZHENG Jiawei,XU Jiaojiao

(School of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu 610039,China)

Abstract:This paper takes the regional science and technology innovation platform as the research perspective,combing with the ecological organization theory and innovation theory,combs the basic concept and connotation of regional science and technology innovation platform ecosystem. This paper puts forward the development and operation mechanism and main components of the platform ecosystem,establishes the development and operation mechanism model of the regional science and technology innovation platform ecosystem,and analyzes the function mechanism of the development and operation mechanism with the help of sample data. The conclusion is that we need to pay attention to the innovation service and integration within the innovation platform,and promote the collaborative symbiosis and balanced development of the platform.

Keywords:science and technology innovation platform;operation mechanism;innovation driven;ecosystem


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作者简介:项勇(1974.02—),男,汉族,重庆人,教授,博士, 研究方向:战略创新发展、企业战略管理。