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(对外经贸大学 统计学院,北京 100029)

摘  要:词向量作为自然语言处理的基础技术,随着大数据和深度神经网络的发展,其算法也随之得到了更好的发展,尤其是近些年来各类新式算法和思想层出不穷,使得自然语言处理的准确度得到极大的提升。在阐述各个词向量算法的同时,穿插例子和图表,使大众更加清晰透彻理解算法的过程和优缺点。通过对词向量算法的发展进行整体的回顾,加深对词向量的理解,在解决问题的前提下为正确选用哪种词向量而做出更好的判断。



中图分类号:TP391                                   文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0036-04

Research on the Development Stages of Word Embedding Algorithm

LI Mengning

(School of Statistics,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China)

Abstract:As a fundamental technology of natural language processing(NLP),word embedding’s algorithm has gained better development with the development of big data and deep neural networks. Especially in recent years,all kinds of new algorithms and ideas emerge in an endless stream,which makes the accuracy of NLP get a huge improvement. It introduces samples and charts while elaborating each word embedding algorithm,and makes the public understand the process and advantages and disadvantages of the algorithm more clearly. Through the overall review of the development of word embedding algorithm,we can deepen the understanding of word embedding,and make a better judgment for selecting which word embedding correctly under the premise of solving problems.

Keywords:word embedding;one-hot encoding;vector space model;static word embedding;dynamic word embedding


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作者简介:李孟宁(1991.11—),男,汉族,河北石家庄人, 研究生在读,研究方向:自然语言处理。