摘 要:文章设计了一种基于自然语言处理的发电设备知识库系统,包括知识抽取、语料和知识存储、知识问答排序和知识库前端问答等模块,构建过程为:首先进行发电设备领域自然语言处理基础模型训练,再针对领域语料进行知识抽取,最后利用排序模型实现知识问答。对比 4 种知识抽取方案可得:对于 Top1 和 Top3 准确率,知识抽取前处理增加 MRC 模型比后处理增加 MRC 校验回路准确率高;对于 Top5 准确率,后处理中增加 MRC 校验回路较前处理中增加 MRC 模型准确率高。
基金项目:国家电力投资集团有限公司统筹 研发资助项目(TC2020HD01,TC2020FD05)
中图分类号:TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0013-05
Research on Knowledge Base System of Power Generation Equipment Based on Natural Language Processing
SHEN Mingke,CHENG Xiangjie,FANG Chao,DING Gang,CHEN Jiaying
(Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200240,China)
Abstract:This paper designs a knowledge base system for power generation equipment based on natural language processing, which includes knowledge extraction,corpus and knowledge storage,knowledge question and answer sorting,and front-end question and answer of knowledge base and other modules. The construction process is:firstly,performs natural language processing basic model training in the field of power generation equipment;then extracts knowledge from the domain corpus;finally,uses the sorting model to achieve knowledge question and answer. Comparing the four knowledge extraction schemes can be obtained that for the accuracy of Top1 and Top3,the accuracy of adding MRC model in the pre-processing of knowledge extraction is higher than that of adding the MRC verification loop in the post-processing. For Top5 accuracy,adding MRC verification loop in post-processing has a higher accuracy rate than adding MRC model in pre-processing.
Keywords:natural language processing;power generation equipment;knowledge base system;knowledge extraction; knowledge question and answer
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作者简介:沈铭科(1991.11—),男,汉族,浙江丽水人, 中级工程师,硕士,研究方向:智慧电站技术研究。