摘 要:在网络技术高速发展的背景下,信息纷乱繁杂,如何能够获得需要的文本信息,成了许多企业或组织关注的问题。该项目以采集的豆瓣电影评论数据为例,使用 Python 语言和朴素贝叶斯等多种算法,对文本挖掘进行全流程的分析,包括对其特征及其子集进行提取,并对文本进行聚类和分类处理,同时采用交叉验证方法对模型进行调整,从而预测有关评论的类型,并将其作为电影推荐的一个标准。
中图分类号:TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0017-04
Classification and Analysis of Network Comments Based on Text Mining Algorithm ——Take Douban Film Review as an Example
(Jincheng College of Sichuan University,Chengdu 611731,China)
Abstract:Under the background of the rapid development of network technology,information is messy and complicated,and how to obtain the required text information has become a concern for many enterprises or organizations. Taking the collected Douban film review data as an example,this project uses Python language,Naive Bayes and other algorithms to analyze the whole process of text mining,including extracting its features and subsets,clustering and classifying the text,and adjusting the model by cross validation method,so as to predict the types of relevant reviews,and take it as a standard for film recommendation.
Keywords:text segmentation;text vectorization;word frequency matrix;Naive Bayes
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作者简介:王睿(2000.09—),女,汉族,安徽亳州人,本 科在读,研究方向:大数据算法。