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基于 Nmon 监控工具的 Linux 服务器性能监控研究
(国能网信科技(北京)有限公司,北京 100080)

摘  要:在信息化工作中经常存在需要监控服务器资源使用的情况,例如性能测试过程中,需要持续对服务器的各项性能指标进行监控,包括 CPU、内存、磁盘、网络等。目前大多数服务器都是采用 Linux 系统。文章将从以下三个方面介绍如何使用 Nmon 监控工具对 Linux 服务器的各项指标进行性能监控:Nmon 的下载和安装,如何使用 Nmon 进行监控指标数据采集、结果分析。

关键词:Nmon;Linux 服务器;性能监控


中图分类号:TP277                                  文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0027-04

Research on Linux Server Performance Monitoring Based on Nmon Monitoring Too

SU Xuan

(National Energy Network Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100080, China)

Abstract: In informatization work, it is often necessary to monitor the use of server resources. For example, in the process of performance test, it is necessary to continuously monitor various performance indicators of the server, including CPU, memory, disk, network, etc. At present, most servers are adopting Linux system. This paper will introduce how to use the Nmon monitoring tool to monitor the various indicators of Linux server from the following three aspects: the download and installation of Nmon, how to use Nmon for collecting of the monitoring index data, result analysis.

Keywords: Nmon; Linux server; performance monitoring


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作者简介:苏璇(1987.01—),女,汉族,黑龙江鸡西人, 高级测试工程师,硕士,研究方向:软件测试。