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(中国石化上海高桥石油化工有限公司,上海 200129)

摘  要:编辑加工和情报信息加工是相辅相成的。从整体上看,编辑加工与科技信息情报加工的关系十分紧密,二者是统一体。网络信息技术深刻地改变着科技情报编辑工作,从业人员要适应变化,提高情报编辑意识和保密意识,利用网上稿件业务处理平台更好地开展情报编辑工作。


中图分类号:G237.5;TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0010-03

Editing Processing and the Processing of Information in the Information Age
TU Jie
(Sinopec Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200129,China)

Abstract:Editing processing and information processing are complementary. On the whole,editing and processing are closely related to the processing of scientific and technological information,and the two are the unity. The network information technology has deeply changed the work of scientific and technological information editing. The employees should adapt to the changes,improve the consciousness of the information editing and the consciousness of secrecy,and make the information editing work better by using the online manuscript business processing platform.

Keywords:information;information processing;editing and processing;information technology


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涂捷(1964.10-),女,编辑,1985 年毕业于合肥学院管理系图书与情报专业,从事情报与编辑工作。