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基于 Android 平台的在线影院 APP 开发与设计
(佛山职业技术学院,广东 佛山 528137)

摘  要::在当下快节奏的移动互联网时代,智能手机和移动设备已不仅仅是一个通信工具,更成为人们利用碎片时间 来学习、放松、娱乐的主要工具。针对目前市面上影院类 APP 所涵盖内容庞杂,广告众多以及启动速度慢的问题,文章基于 Android 平台,采用 MVVM 架构和多级缓存技术,设计开发了一款简约版在线影院 APP,通过性能测试,表明其运行稳定,具 有一定的实用和推广价值。



中图分类号:TP311.5                                     文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)21-0029-04

Development and Design of Online Cinema APP Based On Android Platform 

HUA Chunmeng

(Foshan Polytechnic, Foshan 528137, China)

Abstract: In the current fast-paced mobile Internet era, smart phones and mobile devices are not only a communication tool, but also become the main tools for people to use fragmented time to learn, relax and entertain. Aiming at the problems of complex content,numerous advertisements and slow startup speed of cinema APP on the market, this paper designs and develops a simple online cinema APP based on Android platform, MVVM architecture and multi-level cache technology. The performance test shows that it runs stably and has a certain practical and popularization value.

Keywords: Android; online cinema; MVVM; efficient; performance test


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作者简介:华春梦(1990.04—),男,汉族,河南南阳人,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:嵌入式 Linux、机器学习、人工智能。