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(榆林市气象局,陕西 榆林 719000)

摘  要:陕北地区是黄土高坡,地形多是千沟万壑,雨情分布不均匀,时有干旱和暴雨发生,这样的水情影响生活。因此,结合综合气象信息的水情监测系统十分重要。该设计以 STC89C52 单片机为主控制中心,pH 传感器、水位压力传感器、温度传感器及蓝牙模块等主要硬件设计,对蓄水池的主要参数进行实时监测,结合气象数据信息,预测未来降雨情况,对水位超限进行及时预警处理,运用蓝牙技术,实现水情参数的手机 APP 便携式远程监测。通过系统测试,该设计可以实现预期功能,对水情灾害的预防具有参考意义。

关键词:气象信息;水位传感器;水情监测;蓝牙模块;手机 APP



中图分类号:TP274                                           文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)21-0033-04

Design of Water Regime Monitoring System Based on Meteorological Information

GAO Pingan

(Yulin Meteorological Bureau, Yulin 719000, China)

Abstract: Northern Shaanxi region is the loess plateau, the terrain is thousands of gullies, the rain is unevenly distributed, and drought and rainstorm occur from time to time. Such water regime affects the local people’s life. Therefore, the water regime monitoring system combined with comprehensive meteorological information is very important. This design takes STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the main control center, and the main hardware includes pH sensor, water level pressure sensor, temperature sensor and Bluetooth module. It carries out real-time monitoring of the main parameters of the reservoir, predicts the future rainfall in combination with meteorological data information, carries out timely early warning treatment for water level out of limit, and uses Bluetooth technology to realize the portable remote monitoring of water regime parameters with mobile APP. The test results show, the design can achieve the expected function, which has reference significance for the prevention of water disaster.

Keywords: meteorological information; water level sensor; water regime monitoring; Bluetooth module; mobile APP


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