摘 要:土地勘测定界是土地管理的基础工作,日常勘界工作中涉及多平台、多种数据库的使用,需要进行许多复杂烦琐的表格填写和数据统计。为了快速而准确地开展勘界工作,文章开发了一款基于ArcGis 和AutoCAD双平台的勘测定界辅助软件,优化了土地勘测定界工作中的部分作业流程,提高了自动化水平,大大降低了人为因素导致的统计差错,为勘测定界成果报告的生成导出提供一种全新的思路。
关键词:土地勘测定界;ArcGis 二次开发;AutoCAD 二次开发;软件系统开发
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0031-04
Development and Application of Survey and Demarcation Process Optimization System Based on Dual Platform
LIU Suzhou
(Natural Resources Bureau of Changsha County, Changsha 410199, China)
Abstract: Land survey and demarcation is the basic work of land management. Daily demarcation involves the use of multiple platforms and databases, requiring many complicated forms to be filled in and data statistics. In order to quickly and accurately carry out the demarcation work, this paper develops an auxiliary software for surveying and demarcation based on ArcGis and AutoCAD, which optimizes part of the processes of land survey and demarcation work, improves the level of automation, and greatly reduces the statistical errors caused by human factors. It provides a new way to generate and export the survey and delimitation report.
Keywords: land survey and demarcation; ArcGis secondary development; AutoCAD secondary development; software system development
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