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一种基于 Python 的动环告警大数据资源稽核方法
(1. 重庆航天职业技术学院,重庆 400021;2. 中国移动通信集团重庆有限公司,重庆 400040)

摘  要:通信机房内动力环境设备日常告警数据中的一些关键信息可以用来与综合资源管理系统数据进行对比、稽核。文章通过优化动环设备资源编码规则,基于 Python 开发动环告警大数据分析工具,实现了动环告警数据与综合资源管理系统数据的准确关联与稽核,从而形成闭环管理,提升了动环资源数据准确性,节约了人工成本,提高了运维效率。



中图分类号:TP311                                      文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0034-04

A Big Data Resource Auditing Method for Power Environment Equipment Alarm Based on Python

ZHANG Dongmei1 , XU Dongqiang2

(1.Chongqing Aerospace Polytechnic, Chongqing 400021, China; 2.China Mobile Communications Group Chongqing Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400040, China)

Abstract: Some key information in the daily alarm data of power environment equipments in the communication room can be used to compare and audit with the data of the integrated resource management system. By optimizing the coding rules of power environment equipment resources and developing the power environment equipment alarm big data analysis tool based on Python, this paper realizes the accurate correlation and auditing between power environment equipment alarm data and integrated resource management system data, so as to form a closed-loop management, improve the accuracy of power environment resource data, save labor cost and improve operation and maintenance efficiency.

Keywords: power environment equipment alarm; Python; big data; data auditing


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