摘 要:以苏州檀香扇非遗技艺为例,借助 IdeaVR 引擎设计开发非遗文化虚拟传承平台。虚拟传承平台的设计开发,主要是基于 3DMAX 三维建模软件、Scan 三维扫描、IdeaVR 虚拟引擎等技术手段,围绕需求分析、架构设计、数字资源库建立、UI 交互设计、技术实现、发布和运行等关键环节,探索 VR 虚拟传承平台的实现方法,旨在为苏州非遗文化的保护和传承搭建一个资源丰富、形式多样、交互性强和沉浸感强的 VR 平台,进而促进苏州非遗文化和技艺的发展。
关键词:IdeaVR 引擎;苏州非遗文化;传承平台
基金项目:苏州市文化和旅游科研项目 (WL2021LX030)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0006-06
Design and Implementation of Suzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Platform Based on IdeaVR Engine
WANG Jianlei
(Suzhou Tourism and Finance Branch of Jiangsu Union Technical Institute, Suzhou 215104, China)
Abstract: Taking the intangible cultural heritage skill of Suzhou sandalwood fan as an example, the virtual inheritance platform of intangible cultural heritage is designed and developed with the help of IdeaVR engine. The design and development of the virtual inheritance platform is mainly based on 3DMAX 3D modeling software, Scan 3D scanning, IdeaVR virtual engine and other technical means, focusing on demand analysis, architecture design, digital resource library establishment, UI interaction design, technology implementation, release and operation and other key links, explores the realization method of VR virtual inheritance platform, aiming to build a VR platform with rich resources, various forms, strong interaction and strong immersion for the protection and inheritance of Suzhou intangible cultural heritage, and then promote the development of Suzhou intangible cultural heritage and skills.
Keywords: IdeaVR engine; Suzhou intangible cultural heritage; inheritance platform
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作者简介:王建磊(1984.06—),男,汉族,山东菏泽人,讲师, 硕士研究生,研究方向:虚拟现实、三维动画。