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刘少昱¹,刘桂雄 ¹,²
(1. 广东省测量控制技术与装备应用促进会,广东 广州 510640;2. 华南理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院,广东 广州 510641)

摘  要:国家新增由市场自主制定的团体标准,科技社团在开展团体标准制定方面具有雄厚专业队伍力量、较大业界及社会影响力等独特的优势。为高质量完成团体标准制定工作,首先要统一认识,把科技社团服务职能落实在标准制定工作中;做好专职队伍的建设及相关文件制定工作;把好标准选题关,有所为、有所不为;整个制定过程要规范,充分发挥核心专家的作用;最后要做好总结及跟踪工作。



中图分类号:F203                                       文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0024-03

Practice of Formulating Association Standards by Science and Technology Societies —Take the Measurement and Control Instrument Industry as an Example

LIU Shaoyu1 , LIU Guixiong1,2

(1.Measurement Control Technology and Equipment Application Promotion Association of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510640, China; 2.School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China)

Abstract: China has added association standards that are independently formulated by the market. Science and technology societies have the unique advantages of strong professional team strength, larger industry and social influence in the formulation of association standards. In order to complete the formulation of association standards with high quality, first of all, we must have a unified understanding and implement the service functions of science and technology societies in the formulating of standards; do well in full-time team construction and related document formulation; choose the right standard topics, do something and don’t do something; the entire formulation process should be standardized, and the role of core experts should be fully utilized; finally, summary and follow-up work should be done well.

Keywords: science and technology society; association standards; formulation practice; measurement and control instrument


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