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基于情感词典和 SVM 的微博网民情感分析
(南京信息工程大学,江苏 南京 210044)

摘  要:近年来网络社交平台兴起,大众倾向于在网上发表日常生活的感受,通过对这些文本的分析可以挖掘出人们的情感信息。文章基于新冠疫情暴发初期新浪微博有关新冠话题的评论数据,通过结合情感词典和支持向量机的方法构建情感分类模型,接着通过情感时序分析和 LDA 主题模型综合探讨疫情期间微博网民的情感走势与特征。经实验分析,网民在新冠疫情期间的情感以积极情感为主,体现了大众对于战胜疫情有着相当充足的信心。



中图分类号:TP391.1;TP181                           文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2021)24-0024-05

Emotion Analysis of Micro-blog Netizens Based on Emotion Dictionary and SVM

WANG Wentao, ZHANG Shibao

(Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China)

Abstract: In recent years, with the rise of network social platforms, the public tends to publish their feelings in daily life on the Internet. Through the analysis of these texts, people’s emotional information can be mined. Based on the data of comments on the topic of COVID-19 on Sina micro-blog in the early stage of COVID-19 epidemic outbreak, this paper constructs an emotion classification model by combining emotion dictionary and Supports Vector Machine. Then, the emotion temporal sequence analysis and LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) theme model are used to comprehensively explore the emotional trend and characteristics of micro-blog netizens during the epidemic period. According to the experimental analysis, the emotions of netizens during the COVID-19 epidemic period are mainly positive emotions, which shows that the public has sufficient confidence in overcoming the epidemic.

Keywords: COVID-19 epidemic; emotion dictionary; Support Vector Machine; emotion temporal sequence analysis; LDA


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作者简介:王文韬(1997—),男,汉族,江苏苏州人,硕士在读, 研究方向:大数据分析;张士豹(1996—),男,汉族,安徽滁州人, 硕士在读,研究方向:图像处理。