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基于 Apriori 算法的图书馆用户行为模式分析研究
(1. 芜湖职业技术学院,安徽 芜湖 241006;2. 江苏省政府门户网站管理中心,江苏 南京 210000)

摘  要:以某高校图书馆信息管理系统用户数据为研究对象,对图书馆用户借阅行为进行研究。充分利用业务系统海量数据优势,使用 K-means 算法对用户数据进行聚簇,将用户群体细分形成相似群,然后构造用户行为指标体系,再选用 Apriori关联规则算法,根据借阅行为数据特点构造用户行为分析模型,同时在聚类群体数据的基础上进一步深入挖掘,最后得到用户行为规则和模式。研究结论可为图书馆合理丰富馆藏、图书采编、书架摆放、业务系统流程优化等提供参考。

关键词:图书馆;用户行为;关联规则;数据挖掘;Apriori 算法


基金项目:芜湖职业技术学院 2020 年度校级自然一般项目(Wzyzr202009)

中图法分类号:TP391;G252                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)02-0009-04

Analysis and Research on Library User Behavior Pattern Based on Apriori Algorithm

LIU Lulu1, CHEN Zhibiao1, HUANG Yong1, XIONG Zhangyuan2

(1.Wuhu Institute of Technology, Wuhu 241006, China; 2.Jiangsu Provincial Government Portal Management Center, Nanjing 210000, China)

Abstract: Taking the user data of the information management system of a university library as the research object, this paper studies the borrowing behavior of library users. Make full use of the massive data advantages of the business system, cluster the user data by using the K-means algorithm, subdivide the user group into similar groups, and then construct the user behavior index system, and then select the Apriori association rule algorithm to construct the user behavior analysis model according to the characteristics of borrowing behavior data. At the same time, further mining is carried out on the basis of clustering group data, Finally, the user behavior rules and patterns are obtained. The research conclusion can provide reference for the library to reasonably enrich the collection, book collection and editing, bookshelf placement, business system process optimization and so on.

Keywords: library; user behavior; association rule; data mining; Apriori algorithm


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