摘 要:为提高四旋翼无人机姿态参数获取的准确性,确保后续姿态控制精度,采用 STM32F407 微控制器以及多传感器构成姿态测量系统。对各传感器原始误差进行校准,应用扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)进行基于陀螺仪的状态预测和基于加速度计 /磁力计的测量校正,融合信息并估计出 3 姿态角,与 3 自由度姿态算法验证系统测量出的姿态角真实值对比,3 个角度的平均误差为 0.7°,相对于基于单一陀螺仪积分和基于加速度计 / 磁力计的姿态解算,误差分别下降了 3.034°和 0.174°,该方法可有效提高 EKF 估计精度。
中图分类号:TP368;V279 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)04-0007-05
Attitude Estimation Method for Quad-rotor UAV Based on Extended Kalman Filter
DUAN Min, ZHAO Ling, ZHOU Ying
(The College of Post and Telecommunication of WIT, Wuhan 430073, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the accuracy of attitude parameters acquisition of quad-rotor UAV and ensure the subsequent attitude control accuracy, STM32F407 microcontroller and multi-sensor are used to form an attitude measurement system. The original error of each sensor is calibrated. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is used for gyro-based state prediction and accelerometer/magnetometer-based measurement correction. The information is fused and the three attitude angles are estimated. Compared with the real value of the attitude angle measured by the 3-DOF attitude algorithm verification system, the average error of the three angles is 0.7 ° , compared with the attitude solution based on single gyro integral and the attitude solution based on accelerometer/magnetometer, the errors are reduced by 3.034° and 0.174° respectively. This method can effectively improve the accuracy of EKF estimation.
Keywords: extended Kalman filter; quad-rotor UAV; attitude estimation
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