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(武昌工学院,湖北 武汉 430065)

摘  要:自 2019 年 12 月疫情暴发至今,全国疫情防控已经进入常态化。校园作为人员相对密集的地方,校园疫情防控必须要加强,从严从实从细。为此,文章以武昌工学院疫情防控情况为依托,设计一款基于微服务架构的校园疫情防控系统。该系统采用 Spring Cloud 架构实现,根据业务功能划分为系统管理模块、班级管理模块、部门管理模块、场所管理模块以及校园出入管理模块,为校园疫情防控节约人力和物力,有利于保障教学科研工作的正常开展。



中图分类号:TP311                                      文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)09-0015-04

Design of Campus Epidemic Prevention and Control System Based on Microservice Architecture

WANG Huifang

(Wuchang Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430065, China)

Abstract: Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in December 2019, the national epidemic prevention and control has entered the normalization. As a relatively densely populated place, campus epidemic prevention and control must be strengthened strictly, practically and carefully. Based on the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Wuchang Institute of Technology, this paper designs a campus epidemic prevention and control system based on microservice architecture. The system is implemented with Spring Cloud architecture. According to business functions, it is divided into system management module, class management module, department management module, place management module and campus access management module. It saves human and material resources for campus epidemic prevention and control, and is conducive to ensuring the normal development of teaching’s scientific research work.

Keywords: normalization; campus epidemic prevention and control; microservice architecture


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