摘 要:针对人员密集场所人流量统计准确度较低、实时性较差的问题,设计开发一种在一定区域内可以根据视频来统计人流量的系统。提出采用基于深度学习框架 Tensorflow 的物体识别算法(SSD 算法)进行人流量分析,以达到在人流量密集的公共场所对人流量进行监测的目的,为管理人员提供更加准确的、直观的人流量数据信息,方便管理人及时进行调控与管理,以做出更为合理的决策。
中国分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0011-04
Design of Pedestrian Flow Calculation System Based on Tensorflow Framework
HUANG Yingjie
(Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of lower accuracy and poorer real-time performance of pedestrian flow statistics in densely populated places, a system that can count the pedestrian flow according to the video in a certain area is designed and developed. This paper proposes to analyze the pedestrian flow by using Single Shot MultiBox Detector algorithm (SSD algorithm) based on deep learning framework Tensorflow, so as to achieve the purpose of monitoring the pedestrian flow in densely populated public places. And it provides managers with more accurate and intuitive pedestrian flow data information, convenient for managers to timely control and management, in order to make more reasonable decisions.
Keywords: deep learning; OpenCV; SSD
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