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基于三维地理信息系统的矿山视频 监控系统设计与实现
(四川省计算机研究院,四川 成都 610041)

摘  要:数字矿山是现代化矿山的发展方向,基于无人机倾斜摄影三维建模和三维地理信息系统平台二次开发技术,设计和开发了矿山视频监控系统,实现了矿山三维地图浏览、安全生产实时远程监控、查询定位、鹰眼地图等。依托现代三维地理信息技术,整合矿山视频监控传感器,挖掘地理信息数据在矿山安全生产监管中的价值,提升了矿山安全生产监管信息化、智能化水平。



中图分类号:TP277                                        文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0014-05

Design and Implementation of Mine Video Monitoring System Based on 3D GIS

LI Yong

(Sichuan Institute of Computer Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China)

Abstract: Digital mine is the development direction of modern mine. Based on the 3D modeling of UAV tilt photography and the secondary development technology of 3D geographic information system platform, a mine video monitoring system is designed and developed to realize the browsing of 3D map, safe production real-time remote monitoring, query and positioning, eagle eye map, etc. Relying on modern 3D geographic information technology, integrate mine video monitoring sensors, mine the value of geographic information data in mine safety production supervision, so as to improve the informatization and intelligence level of mine safety production supervision.

Keywords: 3D modeling; 3D GIS; digital mine; video monitoring


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