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基于 Live2D+Mlkit 的社交软件的设计与实现
(南京工业大学浦江学院 计算机与通信工程学院,江苏 南京 210044)

摘  要:系统是一款采用 Live2D 模型方式、通过 Mlkit 技术捕捉面部特征、达成类似视频式社交互动的即时通信软件。在现有的 IM 软件中,最为常见的是纯文本、语音、视频、图文并茂这 4 类形式。此系统在现有 IM 软件功能的基础上,将常见的视频通话方式改为以模型化的方式代替本身样貌进行通话。目前运用Live2D技术的领域也在增多,尤其是快速发展的直播行业,在目前 3D 技术与硬件条件不匹配的情况下,使用 2D 技术进行折中,可以很好地解决硬件条件不足的问题。




中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0037-04

Design and Implementation of Social Software Based on Live2D+Mlkit

MA Wenyi, JIANG Lili, FAN Yanwen

(School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Nanjing Tech University Pujiang Institute, Nanjing 210044, China)

Abstract: This system is an instant messaging software that uses Live2D model method, captures facial features by Mlkit technology, and achieves a video-like social interaction. In the existing IM softwares, the most common four types are plain text, voice, video, pictures and texts. On the basis of the existing IM software functions, this system changes the common video call method to a modeled method instead of their own appearance to make a call. At present, the fields of using Live2D technology is also increasing, especially in the rapid development of the live broadcasting industry. In the current situation that 3D technology does not match the hardware conditions, using 2D technology as a compromise can well solve the problem of insufficient hardware conditions.

Keywords: Live2D; Mlmit; instant messaging; social contact


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作者简介:马文艺(1998—),男,汉族,江苏灌南人,本科在读,研究方向:Web 应用开发;姜丽莉(1985—),女,汉族,江苏徐州人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:内存数据库研发;范言文(2001—),男,汉族,江苏灌南人,本科在读,研究方向:大数据应用开发。