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基于微服务的 GIS 最短路径算法快递代取平台研究
(嘉应学院 计算机学院,广东 梅州 514015)

摘  要:随着我国大学生网购的不断增加,“快递最后一公里取件”问题也层出不穷。经调查,嘉应学院 78% 以上的学生月均网购,快递代取服务供不应求。然而,现阶段的代取服务在包裹安全和个人隐私方面都存在很多问题。为此提出基于微服务架构集成 Internet 技术的极具安全性、抗压性、可扩展性、可维护性的 WebGIS 快递代取系统。该系统利用 GIS 技术的 Dijkstra 算法提供最优代取路径,采用 GIS 热点密度分析显示代取的需求密度,使地理信息可视化、网络化、可操作化。

关键词:WebGIS;微服务;Dijkstra 算法;密度分析;快递代取


中图分类号:TP273.+4                                   文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0027-05

Research on GIS Shortest Path Algorithm Express Delivery Platform Based on Micro-Service

CHEN Peixin, HUANG Yayi, HUANG Jiazhen, LAI Jiayuan, XIAO Zhenqiu

(College of Computer Science, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514015, China)

Abstract: With the constant increasing number of online shopping of college students in China, the problem of “last kilometer pickup of express delivery” is also emerging. After investigation, more than 78% of the students of Jiaying University shop online every month, and the express delivery service is in short supply. However, there are many issues with express delivery services at this stage in the aspects of package security and personal privacy. Therefore, this paper proposes a WebGIS express delivery system based on micro-service architecture that integrates Internet technology with great security, pressure resistance, scalability and maintainability. The system uses the Dijkstra algorithm of GIS technology to provide the most optimal delivery path, and uses GIS hotspot density analysis to display the demand density of delivery, so that it makes the geographic information visualization, networking and operability.

Keywords: WebGIS; micro-service; Dijkstra algorithm; density analysis; express delivery


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