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(岭南师范学院 计算机与智能教育学院,广东 湛江 524048)

摘  要:随着经济社会的不断发展、互联网技术的突飞猛进,粤西农村电商平台应运而生。系统采用 SpringBoot 和Mybatis 作为后台框架,jQuery 与 Semantic-ui 作为前端框架进行设计开发。系统具有登录、购物车、订单、商品和地址管理等五大功能模块;拥有用户、管理员和商家三种角色。系统为农户和顾客搭建起农产品展示、直购平台,有利于顾客购买到物美价廉的农产品,更有利于农民增收和乡村振兴。




中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0032-05

Design and Implementation of Rural E-commerce Platform in Western Guangdong

SHEN Xu, WU Chaohua

(School of Computer and Intelligence Education, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, China)

Abstract: With the continuous development of economic society and the rapid development of Internet technology, the rural E-commerce platform in western Guangdong comes into being. The system uses SpringBoot and Mybatis as the background framework, jQuery and Semantic-ui as the front-end framework for design and development. The system has five functional modules: login, shopping cart, order, commodity and address management; it has three roles: user, administrator and merchant. The system has built a platform for farmers and customers to display and purchase agricultural products directly, which is conducive to customers to buy high-quality and lowcost agricultural products, and ismore  conducive to increasing farmers’ income and rural revitalization.

Keywords: western Guangdong; rural E-commerce; SpringBoot 


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