摘 要:以为城市居民提供家庭阳台绿植种植服务为目的,研究目前城市家庭种植蔬菜过程中的问题,针对人们在家庭阳台进行种植的实际需求,通过服务设计的方法,将种植与社交结合,提供一个包含种植教程和购买工具等全流程的服务平台,既解决了用户种植难的问题,还为家庭种植增添了几分趣味。同时将线上与线下的利益相关者深度融合,提供服务价值。促进了社区居民之间的交流沟通。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0017-05
Research on Urban Green Planting Social Platform Based on Service Design
LI Junhua, XU Yuan, SHEN Keyu, ZHOU Yingbin
(School of Art and Design, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China)
Abstract: This paper aims to provide urban residents with green plant planting services on family balconies, studies the problems in the process of urban family planting vegetables, and aiming at the actual needs of people planting on family balconies, through the method of service design, combines planting and social contact, and provides a whole process service platform including planting tutorials and purchase tools and so on, which not only solves the problem of difficult planting for users, but also adds a bit of interest to family planting. At the same time, the online and offline stakeholders will be deeply integrated to provide service value. It promotes communication among
community residents.
Keywords: service design; balcony planting; APP; social contact
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