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基于 ArcMap 的历史湖泊地图水体的矢量化方法
(1. 浙江师范大学,浙江 金华 321004;2.61175 部队,江苏 南京 210000)

摘  要:文章通过调用 ArcMap 软件中 Arc Scan 模块和其他功能模块实验了对历史湖泊地图的一种新的矢量化方法,其中 Arc Scan 模块的自动矢量化大大缩减了传统矢量化方法的人力和时间成本,在实验过程中发现 Arc Scan 的矢量化结果精度达不到大部分要求的预期,需要结合 ArcMap 中的其他功能模块对结果优化。文章着重介绍了对初步自动矢量化的结果进行优化的方法步骤。

关键词:历史地图;自动矢量化;Arc Scan


中图分类号 TP39;P283.7                                文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0012-06

Vectorization Method of Water Body in Historical Lake Map Based on ArcMap

ZHANG Tao1, HU Zhen2, SONG Mingkai 2

(1.Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China; 2.61175 Troops of PLA, Nanjing 210000, China)

Abstract: this paper tests a new vectorization method of historical lake map by calling Arc Scan module and other functionalmodules in ArcMap software. The automatic vectorization of Arc Scan module greatly reduces the manpower and time cost of traditional vectorization method. In the process of experiment, it is found that the accuracy of vectorization result of Arc Scan can not meet the expectation of most requirements, so it needs to be combined with other function modules in ArcMap to optimize the results. This paper focuses on introducing the methods and steps of optimizing the initial results of automatic vectorization

Keywords: historical map; automatic vectorization; Arc Scan


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