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基于 Unity 的工程制图虚拟仿真实验室的建设
(西南林业大学 机械与交通学院,云南 昆明 650224)

摘  要:针对在工程制图学习中传统教学模式存在的弊端,进行了工程制图虚拟实验室的构建。根据现有的工程制图教材,依托 Unity3D 引擎,采用第一人称漫游,利用三维软件进行场景的搭建,通过 Visual Studio 编写 C# 脚本语言进行程序开发,实现交互控制。搭建真实感、沉浸感、操作性强、开发成本低的工程制图虚拟实验室。提高教学效率,改变学习方式,提升学生对工程制图的自主学习性。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                      文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)13-0052-03

Construction of Engineering Drawing Virtual Simulation Laboratory Based on Unity

PAN Yawei, XU Guodong

(College of Mechanical and Transportation, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional teaching mode in engineering drawing learning, a virtual laboratory of engineering drawing is constructed. According to the existing engineering drawing textbooks, this paper relies on the Unity3D engine, adopts the first-person roaming, uses 3D software to build the scene, and writes the C# script language through Visual Studio for program development to achieve interactive control. It builds a virtual laboratory of engineering drawing with a sense of reality, immersion, strong operability and low development cost. And it improves teaching efficiency, changes learning methods, and enhances students’ autonomous learning of engineering drawing.

Keywords: engineering drawing; Unity3D; virtual lab; online teaching


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