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自媒体 APP 中医药多模态语料库的构建研究
(江西中医药大学 人文学院,江西 南昌 330004)

摘  要:通过从微信、微博、抖音等自媒体 APP 中采集中医药相关视频,运用多媒体标注软件 ELAN 进行语序转写和文本标注,从而构建中医药多模态语料库。多模态语料库在文化的语境再现、还原度和时效性等方面的表现比单模态语料库更为卓越。文章从构建现代中医药多模态语料库的方法和使用的理论基础出发,探讨了自媒体 APP 中的中医药多模态语言材料的收集、标注内容方法和建库技术等内容,以期为中医药事业发展提供一定的实证支持。




中图分类号:TP311.1                                       文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0006-04

A Study on the Construction of We Media APP Chinese Medicine Multimodal Corpus

WANG Yue 1, PENG Yongmei 2

(College of Humanities, Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China)

Abstract: By collecting medical related videos from WeChat, MicroBlog, Tiktok and other We Media applications, and using the multimedia annotation software ELAN for word order transcription and text annotation, a multimodal corpus of traditional Chinese medicine is constructed. The performance of multi-modal corpus is better than that of single-modal corpus in the aspects of cultural context reproduction, reducibility and timeliness. Starting from the methods of constructing modern Chinese medicine multimodal corpus and the theoretical basis of its use, this paper discusses the collection of Chinese medicine multimodal language materials, the method of labeling content and the database building technology in the We Media applications, in order to provide certain empirical support for the development of Chinese medicine.

Keywords: multimodal; corpus; Chinese medicine; construction research


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